Have you ever wondered about Parkway’s Team Ministries and how you might be able to be a part of one? Now is your time to have all your questions answered. On October 20th we will have a Ministry Fair in our Event Room during the Sunday School hour at 9 am. You can come and talk to the leaders to find out more about the ministries you are interested in.
Here are the answers to a few questions you may already be asking:

What is a Ministry Team? A Ministry Team is a group of believers sanctioned by and accountable to the church. Each team should be committed to Parkway’s mission through involvement in a specific ministry to which they have been called. ​

Why is a Ministry Team important? Ministry teams are vital to the health and growth of our church. The teams allow our church to care for our members, visitors, and those in our community in the way Christ has commanded. They are essential in sharing the gospel with the lost and discipling believers to become mature Christians.

Who should serve? EVERYONE who is a part of the body of Christ should serve somewhere. Jesus set the example for our service. He came to serve not to be served and we should have the same attitude as Christ Jesus!

Complete a quick Questionnaire to help you think about where to serve.